
My Boxer Ate Chocolate

We’ve been there at one point…our crazy, nosey pup got into a bag of M&M’s or ate a bar of chocolate.

Well, our 10 month year old Boxer, Achilles, decided to help himself to a 13×9 pan of baked chocolate bars!! I had set them out to cool and our counter is small and our fridge was full. Achilles is a champion counter-surfer, so, part of me knew it wouldn’t be smart to leave it out, but things happen when you’ve got a baby and two other dogs and your pregnant-self and you want a piece of chocolate cake!

Cody was currently on an underway, therefore, I was by myself doing my normal duties of household chores and baking. I left the house for awhile with Zoey for Christmas errands and when I came back, of course: pan was on the floor, licked clean.

Achilles wasn’t crate trained due to him having been adopted from a pet store at five months. He then did not understand the difference between doing his business where he sleeps versus outside. Anyway, we leave him out when we leave…since then, I now gate him in our foyer and he hasn’t had an accident or gotten into mischief.

Well, the chocolate bars I hadn’t indguled in yet, were full of semi-sweet, M&M’s, and graham crackers. I quickly Googled the consequences and wasn’t quite at ease until I called one of my best friends, Brittany, who is a vet tech. She told me to watch him and make sure that his puking decreases and if he starts getting dizzy or not puking or acting weird, to then take him to the vet.

He’s about 60lbs and was in the risk zone, but I kept a little but if water out for him and just let him puke ALL night. I stayed up with him until around 5 a.m. and then went to bed.

The goof was fine in the morning and I went to take a shower. When I came out, he had somehow gotten into our roommates bag of sugar!!!! I about beat him, but he puked once more and has been fine ever since.

So, lesson learned. If you have a lanky armed Boxer and food somewhat within reach, hide it!

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